Ashland University PA Program Mission Statement Educate physician assistants based on a foundation of evidence-based medicine, to competently practice patient-centered care, exercise cultural humility and cultivate a team approach. Graduates will be…
Baldwin Wallace University is offering a new graduate degree program – the Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant. Through coursework and clinical rotations, you’ll gain extensive integrated and diagnostic medical sciences training…
The CWRU Physician Assistant Program strives to improve access to health care through the education and development of compassionate, highly competent physician assistants who are prepared to provide quality, patient-centered care in a collaborative…
Cedarville University PA Program Mission Statement Driven by a submission to and passion for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, the Cedarville University PA Program equips Christ-following graduates through academic excellence,…
The physician assistant (PA) program at Kettering College is the school’s first on-campus master’s degree, accredited as such in 2006. The department has been educating top-flight PAs since it began in 1973, earning it the distinction of…
To recruit exemplary individuals from diverse backgrounds while creating an environment of academic excellence, leadership, and scholarly activity that produces culturally sensitive, caring Physician Assistants who practice evidence-based medicine…
The mission of the Marietta College Physician Assistant Program is to help meet the need for qualified health care providers. The program accomplishes this by selecting individuals who have the academic, clinical and interpersonal aptitudes…
Mercy College of Ohio PA Program Mission Statement The Mercy College of Ohio PA program provides a graduate-level learning experience that produces PA graduates who can provide competent, patient-centered medical care for diverse populations in a…
Miami University-Ohio PA Program Mission Statement To create an environment that fosters compassionate, dynamic, well rounded, professional clinicians who have an interest in rural medicine and clinical research to enrich the medical sciences. PA…
Mount St. Joseph University PA Program Mission Statement The specific mission of the Physician Assistant program is to educate outstanding, compassionate clinicians, fully prepared to deliver high quality, accessible health care, demonstrating…
Ohio Dominican University has the only Physician Assistant Studies program in Central Ohio. ODU’s program is tailored to meet the ever-increasing need for highly trained and field-experienced Physician Assistants.
Ohio University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Ohio University Master of Physician Assistant Practice program is to prepare students to be leaders in PA practice in any clinical setting, with a particular emphasis on primary care in…
The Physician Assistant Education Department’s mission is to produce physician assistants who are committed to the service of the human person through the skillful, compassionate, and ethical provision of health care within the context of the…
The Physician Assistant Program at The University of Findlay is committed to providing its students with the medical knowledge necessary for them to become ethical, competent, and compassionate health care providers who deliver superior quality…
The University of Toledo Physician Assistant Program is a twenty-seven month graduate program leading to a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS) degree with a Physician Assistant concentration. It was the first graduate level PA Program in…
Ursuline College PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Ursuline College Physician Assistant Program is to recruit exceptional individuals from diverse backgrounds and provide education expressed through the Ursuline tradition to…
Weber State University PA Program Mission Statement Our mission is to provide students with an integrated and experiential curriculum in primary care and adult hospital medicine in a climate of high academic standards. Students will be prepared to…
The mission of the Mount Union Physician Assistant Studies Program is to educate knowledgeable, competent, and compassionate physician assistants who provide patient care with professionalism and integrity.