Delaware Valley University PA Program Mission Statement The Delaware Valley University Physician Assistant Program is dedicated to the pillars of scholarship, service, and professionalism. The Program strives to train graduates who are highly…
Des Moines University prepares its physician assistant students to work in and lead a growing profession focused on helping people live healthier lives. Physician assistants are key members of health care teams in hospitals, multispecialty clinics,…
The mission of the Physician Assistant program is consistent with the enduring Christian Humanistic traditions of DeSales University and seeks to graduate physician assistants who dedicate themselves to the patient as an individual. Physician…
The mission of the Dominican University of California Master of Science Physician Assistant (MSPA) Program is to provide an excellent, inter-active learning environment to prepare PAs to provide compassionate, high quality, patient-centered care as…
Dominican University of Illinois PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Dominican University Physician Assistant Studies Program is to graduate physician assistants who provide highly competent, patient-centered, and compassionate health…
The goal of the PA Program is to develop graduates who are competent, caring physician assistants possessing the skills of life-long learning needed to incorporate new knowledge and methods into their practices and to adapt to a changing medical…
The Duke Physician Assistant Program’s mission is to educate caring, competent primary care physician assistants who practice evidence-based medicine, are leaders in the profession, dedicated to their communities, culturally sensitive, and devoted…
The Program’s overall purpose is to provide the highest quality of academic and clinical training that will prepare our graduates to be certified and licensed to practice as extenders to physicians in a competent and reliable manner.
The mission of the Physician Assistant Studies program is to provide educational experiences which prepare physician assistant graduates to enhance the access to primary medical care for the citizens of rural and medically underserved eastern North…
The EMU PA Program assists students in developing critical thinking and patient-centered problem-solving skills with a practical focus to prepare them for the experiences they will encounter upon graduation. We seek to not just produce physician…
Elizabethtown College PA Program Mission statement The mission of the Elizabethtown College Physician Assistant Program is to educate and matriculate motivated students who will provide high quality healthcare as skilled Physician Assistants.…
Elon PA students learn to care for the whole patient – body, mind and spirit. The primary care-focused program employs a holistic approach to healthcare with an emphasis on: medical knowledge, interpersonal communication skills, patient care,…
Emory University PA Program Mission Statement The Emory Physician Assistant Program recruits educates and mentors a diverse group of students to become highly regarded physician assistants providing compassionate health care of the highest quality.…
Fairleigh Dickinson University PA Program Mission Statement To prepare future PAs, socially responsible members of interprofessional teams, empowered to promote health, provide compassionate patient-centered care, and advocate for the well-being of…
Faulkner University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Faulkner University Physician Assistant program is to train competent and caring medical professionals, in a Christian environment, to address the physical, mental, emotional, and…
Florida Gulf Coast University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the MPAS Program at Florida Gulf Coast University is to prepare competent and effective master’s level primary-care physician assistant practitioners who will collaboratively…
The mission of Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Master in Physician Assistant Studies is to prepare a diverse workforce of masterХs-level primary care physician assistants to collaboratively practice with…
Florida State University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Florida State University, School of Physician Assistant Practice is to educate and prepare physician assistants to practice patient-centered healthcare in any clinical setting…
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University PA Program Mission Statement Guided by the tradition of compassionate health care exemplified by the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, the Physician Assistant Program will develop graduates who will…
Franklin College PA Program Mission Statement The Physician Assistant Studies program trains a new generation of qualified and dedicated advanced practice professionals with a focus on providing safe, patient-centered care to underserved populations…