Alvernia University Physician Associate Program Mission Statement Guided by our Franciscan foundation, the Alvernia University Physician Associate Program is committed to working collaboratively with students and the community to foster and support…
Arcadia University – Dual Degree: MPH/MMS Physician Assistant Program Mission Statement The Arcadia University Department of Medical Science has a history of success in educating compassionate and highly qualified medical professionals who…
Ashland University PA Program Mission Statement Educate physician assistants based on a foundation of evidence-based medicine, to competently practice patient-centered care, exercise cultural humility and cultivate a team approach. Graduates will be…
The Mission of the GRU Physician Assistant Department is to develop physician assistants with the knowledge and skills to practice in all aspects of medicine from a primary care perspective and to meet the needs of society through education,…
Austin College PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Austin College Physician Assistant (PA) program is to engage committed, diverse learners in a student-centered, transformational curriculum that fosters personal growth, builds community…
The Bay Path College Physician Assistant Program educates a diverse student body to develop compassionate, culturally aware healthcare providers who advocate for their patients, maintain the highest quality and ethical standards of care, and…
Bethel University-Minnesota PA Program Mission Statement Boldly informed and motivated by the Christian faith, the Bethel Physician Assistant program prepares students through an exceptional education, equipping them with the skills necessary for…
Bethel University’s mission is to create opportunities for members of the learning community to develop to their highest potential as whole persons-intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically-in a Christian environment. The mission of the…
Brenau University PA Program Mission Statement To produce extraordinary physician assistants prepared to collaboratively practice with integrity and compassion in a variety of clinical and cultural settings. Incorporating the values of liberal arts…
Canisius College PA Program Mission Statement The Canisius College Physician Assistant Department is built upon the central mission of eliminating healthcare disparity and improving the health and wellbeing of underserved populations by developing…
Carlow University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the Physician Assistant Program at Carlow University is to offer transformational educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners who are prepared as healthcare…
Carroll University PA Program Mission Statement To educate physician assistants to provide comprehensive quality health care to all, to be respectful of patient values, to be committed to ethical principles and to be grounded in evidence-based…
Charleston Southern University PA Program Mission Statement To educate compassionate and highly motivated individuals in a Christian environment who excel in providing patient-centered care, practicing as an interprofessional team, serving as…
Our program offers a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies degree in a 28 consecutive month curriculum. This website will provide useful information about our program at Clarkson and will also provide links to learn more about the PA…
College of Mount Saint Vincent PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the College of Mount Saint Vincent Master of Science Physician Assistant Program is to prepare and mentor students to deliver high-quality primary and specialty healthcare…
The mission of the College of Saint Mary Physician Assistant Program is to establish an educational environment fostering academic excellence and leadership, which prepares students to become competent Physician Assistants who possess the knowledge,…
The College of St. Scholastica’s mission is to educate Physician Assistant students within a comprehensive, interprofessional and innovative curriculum to provide high-quality care across the lifespan and meet the healthcare needs of our…
Colorado Mesa University PA Program Mission Statement The mission of the CMU Physician Assistant (PA) Program is to provide a learner-centered environment that educates competent and compassionate PAs, committed to leading through service in their…
Concordia University – Wisconsin PA Program Mission Statement Our mission in the PA program is to educate students who are committed to caring for patients in mind, body and spirit with an emphasis on continual lifelong learning. PA PROGRAM AT…
Cornell University–Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences PA Program Mission Statement The principal mission of the Weill Cornell Graduate School MSHS Physician Assistant Program is to educate highly competent, compassionate, and…