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Navy PA Graduate Training: Orthopedics – Career military physician assistants Portsmouth, VA 12 months 2-4 Stdents


Navy PA Graduate Training: Orthopedics

The US Navy Orthopaedic Physician Assistant Fellowship and Additional Qualification Designation (AQD 6HL) was approved in December 2000 with the first Navy PA attending the US Air Force Orthopaedic Physician Assistant Residency at Malcolm Grove Medical Center.
—In 2001, the Navy Orthopaedic Physician Assistant Fellowship at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth was started, and in 2010, we became fully accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistants (ARC-PA).
There are multiple postgraduate medical education programs at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. Our PA fellows take full advantage of working side-by-side with Orthopaedic Surgery residents, staff surgeons and Physician Assistants.
To train selected U.S. active duty Physician Assistants to provide comprehensive, high quality patient care and surgical assistance in the field of orthopaedic surgery through a balanced curriculum of academic, surgical exposure, clinical care and mentored self improvement.
12 month program of instruction that emphasizes the practical development of specialized knowledge and clinical skills in Orthopaedic Surgery.
PA Fellows rotate through various subspecialties, including:
Sports Medicine, 8 wks
Hand, 8 wks
Foot and Ankle, 4 wks
Trauma, 8 wks
Spine, 4 wks
Joint Reconstruction, 8 wks
Pediatrics, 8 wks
Instruction is provided by higher level residents, staff surgeons, and Physician Assistants.
PA Fellows attend and participate in weekly conferences, formal lectures, journal clubs, and monthly morbidity and mortality meetings.
PA Fellows also receive supervised instruction in cadaver dissection to enhance their knowledge of surgical anatomy, clinical evaluation, and treatment of orthopaedic injuries.
Knowledge level is assessed throughout the year with end-of-rotation exams.
PA Fellows also attend the AOTrauma Basic Fracture Course. This is a 3.5 day course where PA fellows and PGY-2 residents learn basic concepts of fracture care. Location is variable. In recent years, courses have been in San Diego and Atlanta. You can expect to receive 30-35 Cat 1 CME’s for this activity.
Each week, PA Fellows can expect to spend
2 days in clinic, evaluating new and follow-up patients and perioperative care.
2 days in the operative room, assisting with operative treatment and working with the surgeon and OR staff
1-2 days each week on call to receive acute orthopaedic trauma consultations
PA Fellows will also become proficient with inpatient care
Standard of care remains within the scope of practice as a Physician Assistant under the supervision of an orthopaedic surgeon. All fellows will be credentialed for care at NMCP prior to start of program.
We are seeking career military Physician Assistants who are motivated and have a great desire to learn and become a part of the Orthopaedic Surgery team.
Candidates are selected through the Medical Service Corps Duty Under Instruction (MSC DUINS) Board annually.
See BUMEDINST 1520.40A for procedures
For specific eligibility requirements, see BUMEDNOTE 1520 published annually each spring
All applicant packages will be forwarded to PA Orthopaedic Fellowship Selection Committee. The committee will be composed of the Program Director, Medical Director, and 2 senior orthopaedic surgeons. They will review all applications and conduct interviews of each applicant. Completed packages will need to be submitted to the Specialty Leader by the date specified in BUMEDNOTE 1520 of that year. They will then be submitted to the DUINS board for consideration.
Specific requirements are published annually and include:
Must be an active duty Navy Physician Assistant, along with current NCCPA Certification
Must meet Navy standards for permanent change of station
To be eligible for the next class (start 1 July 2016), applicant’s projected rotation date must be within FY 2016 (1 Oct 2015 to 30 Sep 2016) to be eligible.
*PRD Eligibility Window *Interview *Package due Class Begins
1 Oct 2015 – 30 Sep 2016 Apr-15 Jun-15 1-Jul-16
1 Oct 2016 – 30 Sep 2017 Apr-16 Jun-16 1-Jul-17
1 Oct 2017 – 30 Sep 2018 Apr-17 Jun-17 1-Jul-18
*all dates subject to change

Additional Requirements:
Officers selected for DUINS who fail to select for promotion will be dropped from the program.
Officers already enrolled in DUINS who fail to select for promotion will be considered for continuation in the DUINS program on a case-by-case basis.
Maintaining Navy fitness standards is the responsibility of each Fellow. You must remain within Navy physical readiness standards. Failure could result in disenrollment from the program
Tentative schedule of events:
Mar-Apr: interviews conducted at NMCP with packages
Jun: all packages submitted to Specialty Leader and then DUINS Board for review and selection
Sept/Oct: results are published
Fellowship begins the following July
Program Completion:
At program completion, each fellow will receive:
Certification of completion from the United States Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
Orthopaedic PA supplemental credentials in accordance with BUMEDINST 6320.66D
50 Category 1 CME hours through AAPA
Most importantly, you will continue your practice as an integral part of the Surgeon-PA team as a fellowship trained Physician Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery.
The work and effort you put into your education will be intense, but the knowledge and skills you acquire are priceless.
After Completion:
You will be obligated to return service of 2 years following completion of the program.
Portsmouth Virginia
Can I bring my family?
Yes, previous fellows have typically stayed within 30 minutes of the hospital. On-base housing at any of the surrounding Navy bases is an option depending on availability.
Are quarters for geo-bachelor available?
No, all fellows will be responsible for their own residence.
Will we be able to take leave during the year?
Yes, fellows will be able to take a total of 2 weeks leave during the year
What is the typical uniform of the day during fellowship?
Your daily “uniform” will be OR scrubs with long lab coat. You will need to purchase your own shoes and lab coat. Scrubs are supplied by NMCP. Navy seabag must be maintained at all times.
How do I set up for an interview?
Start by letting us know your interested as soon as possible. We will need to ensure you are eligible and schedule you for an interview. Interviews will be set up to take place at NMCP some time in March or early April. Packages will need to be completed and submitted to the Program Director prior to your interview.
Please let the Orthopaedic PA Program Director know of your intention to submit an application NLT January 2015. Contact information is at the end of this presentation.
Can’t I just interview over phone or video conference?
Possibly. For those that are deployed or located overseas, we will facilitate an interview by alternate means. If you are INCONUS, however, a face-to-face interview is required. As part of the interview process, you will receive a tour of the facilities and meet with current PA Fellows, residents and staff.
When will I be eligible to apply?
Per current BUMEDNOTE 1520 (2015 class which was already selected) – applicant’s projected rotation date must have been within FY 2015 (1 Oct 2014 to 30 Sep 2015) to have been eligible.
If this remains unchanged for the next class, you will need to have a PCS window between 1 Oct 2015 to 30 Sep 2016 to be eligible.
If selected, when do I start?
The 2015-16 class has already been selected. They will begin training in July 2015.
For the 2016-17 class (starts 1 July 2016), interviews/packages will need to be completed spring 2015. Please let the Ortho PA Program Director know of your intention to apply as soon as possible (NLT Jan 2015). Expect selection results to be published around October 2015. If selected, you can expect to check-in to NMCP to begin training the second or third week of June 2016 and complete the program in June 2017.
How many PA Fellows are selected?
Determined by BUMED, though typically there are 2-4 candidates selected each year.
When is the application package due?
Completed applications must be submitted to the Specialty Leader by the date published by BUMED. It is anticipated that it will be 1 June, however, you should verify this date via the BUMED NOTICE 1520 to be published in the spring, along with other requirements.
That being said, completed applicant packages will need to be submitted to the PA Orthopaedic Program Director prior to your interview.
What types of things will need to be included in the package?
CO endorsed letter of request
Motivational statement
Copies of fitness reports, 5 yrs past
Letters of Recommendation
Copy of OSR/PSR
Other supporting documents, awards, certificates, etc.
After completion, is all the hard work worth it?
Absolutely without a doubt – yes. There is no better life in medicine than Orthopaedic Surgery.
How do I know if I would be interested?
There are a number of Navy PA’s out there who have completed the training, have a love for orthopaedic surgery, and always have good insight to give into what the training is like and what life is like after training. Contact any one of them, they are glad to help.